leaving tomorrow for Swaiziland
Sending this off as another different country and don't know the situations yet about computers ect. I know my cell phone won't work there oh well. Went on a game drive this am 5 am to be exact. The two crazy dutch people who had their problems in Durban and 2 from Nova Scotia. It was cold rainy sides open wide so one can see (the rain that is) not too many animals like I have seen in the past still what ever animals seen is a plus as never will see these guys in North America. A few giraffs, some rino's zebras all over the place and the usual antelope. Could of stayed here and some rum and cokes and kept warm. First time no room mates almost hate to leave. Had a great time last night at the night drive ended up at a game club quite interesting. The people there were as interested in us as we were in them. The bell sisters ding and dong just arrived on the baz bus most people who have seen them have now all dissapeared. Remember I said some people I've met are quite entertaining and some off their trolley's? AThese fit both scenes. The weather here has been terrible rain like I've never seen before however they are right about one thing. Yes the hippo's do walk down the street the grassy side that is. No more snake stories nor spiders as of yet I'm sure they are just around the corner. A girl I knew from a few hostels ago has just come down with tick fevour. There is alot of this over here as well as the aids thing. A funeral everyday no matter where you go is always present. Have met up with some great voltuneers who work with these people as well as ones on the peace core. If you think that everything that comes along your way will get to you def. stay at home as it just might do. Only a little over a week and I shall be back to the life I almost forgot except the people in it. The freedom as all who are the travellers know when it is about to end already your thinking of the next one or place or so forth. At the moment S., AMerica still might be the next one. Work hard and leave later as long as the cage door is open this free spirit will fly and keep on flying. For now until the next adventure.
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