been toooooo busy!!!
Just to let all of you I is nice to receive mail makes me feel like I belong to some countrie which one I don't know yet. My business card just reads for the address THE WORLD and rightly so it is. Have been on the go and I mean on the go. Taking advantage of ramming the street of London with the London walks. I have been on at least 10 of them by now and each one is different. However the Jack the Ripper one so far is the best. Over 200 people showed up at the Tube station in East London to meet up with the guide. What a guide he was learned things not written much about if not any of his activities and the women. Took up some drink in the Ten Bells which was there where a couple of the women also took up the drink. About a 2 1/2 hour tour did it with Steven my cousin last Friday night. We ended up at Dirty Dicks pub after it was over met of course more people and the pub was great. On one of the night pub walks met up with an airline crew from the States out of Chicago. what a time that one was. It happened to be the Sherlock Holmes one ened up at the pub after that went to many more food the works. Have invites to visit the keys in florida where a few of them live. Have done some train travel seeing I have a brit rail pass so decided to get my ticket for the end of november in Birmingham for the big goings on 60 year d-day things. ~From there traveling over to Scotland than onto Ireland. Last weekend went to Salisbury ended up in another funny pub quite by accident but so hungry this time stayed and ate anyway. Steven was with me so had to show him the sea in Brighton on Sunday. The train had to go around another way took over two hours getting there but alot of interesting people on the train make it worthwhile. ~Going tomorrow for a meeting of the Samaritans in London hopefully will be taking some training while over here have many invites down the Southeast so taking the over night train on Thurs night for Penanze. Looking forward to all of this. Look out Peg 101 for my clips of things you all will be most interested in. Tonight going to the thearter as an invite to see One flew over the co co s nest or what ever it is. Had to go to the charity shop this afternoon to get a flash coat to wear as somehow I don't think my thing tonight and tomorrow at cental londons Samaritans my jacket stating on the back snow plow crew would look to great. 2pound and I look good this one might just be a keeper.
All of you enjoy your snow and for my canadian relies and friends enjoy the snow at least it'
not that cold here.
Keeping on trucking and to you all keep on the writing..........
Off now for the trip into London with my new flash coat
John you should look into a job not so boring at Aquaa Time..............ready to party on the 16th?
Peg 101 will send you all a private e-mail of whats going on here lots to tell you and thinking about what you said earlier about...........
Katie keep me informed of all you are doing and the friends details most in teresting
renate are you back in Germany now are you going to be in Ireland anytime soon?
my family I miss you
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