On the Road Again - 2
Hello everyone, I feel like from a different planet today. The ususal stuff going on. Weekend was great went to the Rugby game, club, pubs after and more pubs and a club. Stayed with friends in London had a great time as usual. Friday night was great as well. My cousin and myself started our own pub crawl around his area. Found a crowded and loud one so of course went on in. AFter things thined out found another one. This one however seemed a little different. After ordering our drinks at the bar and sat at a table I noticed I was the only female in the place. Looking at the pink yes pink chandller hanging from the ceiling it all came together. We were in a gay pub. Oh well a pub is a pub and this one was no different. Monday night decided to go to Blockbusters to rent some movies. A few blocks from Stevens flat a crowd and police everywhere with people coming out of limo's the works. It was for Live Aid which will be relived here on Saturday. Ran back got my camera as my man Brian May from Queen was about to come back out. I couldn't believe not only did I get pictures of him actually stood next to him talked and he even spoke to me. Being a Queen fan forever this made it for me. Tonight I and Steven are going to the Royal premiere in Leicester Square with everyone from the movie Bridget Jones and what ever royal is going to as well. Already scoped out the square before leaving for the train I'm taking this am for Birmingham to get tickets for the huge tattoo commemorating the 60th anniversary of d-day. Every bagpipe and drum core plus a massed chorus is going to be there. Three hours it will be. This is the end of November now have to find a hostel to stay at for that weekend.
Yesterday sat next to the bad breath guy on the train to Gloucester. It took 1 1/2 hours to get there. Thought I would die before getting there. When a seat became available had to move. Gloucester was brilliant however. A huge Cathedral with lots to see inside and out including the place where beautrice Potter made her story about the little taylor.
More people I met and more places to go. Ireland is next just getting prices now on cheap fares on Ryan Air. Running out of money and this place is crowded.
Living on the edge as usual............
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