The Many Travels of Mrs Pickles

Look here for tales from the many travels of my friend, Phyllis Bridget Gallagher as she globetrots. I met the dynamic Phyllis on a trip to Ireland in the spring of 2001 and she is still GOING! Bridget, you inspire me to travel more!

Monday, February 16, 2004

Greetings from Byron Bay

Hello from paradise,

Another brilliant beach day any snow blindness back home? As usual there is always things going on backpacking. I've moved into another dorm. Was put first into a dorm that always had people leaving I know why. The dragon lady. Wow her broom is always in flight. Into a great room now with Swiss people and English people. Got a single bed what luck that one was next to a windiow no less. Even most travel alone you are never really alone as there are just people waiting to be your friend. The best friend however is your new best friend who has a car. I haven't been that lucky yet as most of us are just getting on day to day picking up work when possible and enjoying life and each others travels. This isn't life style but style of life...........

I had a roomate a few nights ago around my age which was nice. She was on the way to Scotland lives in Tasmania thought to get her life straight again backpacking was the way to go. She got accepted for work in Iona Scotland no less. The place where I was offered a job 3 years ago behind the bar. Sent with her a letter to Sheila if possible work for me this summer there. How ironic and now a friend Joan is going to be there as well with the McNeil clan nonething happens without reason.

Yesterday I spent at the beach body surfing as the waves were terrific. A father and daughter team are in the next dorm to me and we have become fast friends. Kate and I went a little too far down Belongil Beach however and when coming out we were greeted by a quite naked man he was in the right we were in the wrong so just moved up a bit and kept on rolling. A few laughs just another story to share around the evening meal. We have a great cook here so we all pitch in giving him a 10.00 note he buys all the food and we have the greatest barbie I've ever known. At least 20 to 25 people sitting around together at the tables sharing. By the time I get through with this trip I have even more places to go.

There is a hostel here in Bryon on the other side of town that has more than a hotel could offer. Because Kate worked there before meeting up with her dad, she took about 9 of us there for a movie. Walking on Liquid. For only 5.90 we sat on couches that went back with foot rests, all clad in a cow hide appearance, holes for your drinks and another square hole for your popcorn on the arms. It was a film about surfing. The surrond sound in the theater made it feel like you were actually there in the pounding surf. I suggest everyone seeing this. Outside of the theater is a fab resturant. Beyone that is the reception huge kitchen upstairs, a large pool, dorms around the pool or you have another choice of dorms situated around a pond. Canvas type buildings with small porches with views of the rain forrest or 10 bed teepees all in a circle. There you get free yoga class in the am, digie making (the native instrument here from the aboringals) digie playing, druming you name it they have it. After the movie because of Kates connections we got into the Abroginal show for free. It was amazing. We all walked back to here via the beach with the lighthouse beams crossing the beach and the waves crashing along the way. Magic.................

I wish my eyes could implant to everyone the beauty here. Not even a camera can produce what God's hand has done. The hinterlands where I'll be going back to this afternoon again reminds me of Ireland. The hills and flowers everywhere green green lush paddocks. Only a 20 minute bus ride with my friends as everyone is shopping at the shops most use. St. Vincent de Paul will be quite busy as our outfits are getting a little tired.

My two Canadian buddies are leaving this afternoon for Coffs Harbour. The daughter and sister they are going to see is most famous in Australia as a singer. She sang I guess in "the little river band" before moving on. She sang at Russell Crows wedding and lives quite close to him. I almost made my stop over there before heading back to Sydney.

I leave here tomorrow evening at 10:35 on the night train to Sydney. Will arrive around 11:30 on Thursday am. I shall miss Australia wish I had more time here but Thailand is calling me as well as a plane ticket.

Movies again tonight in Byron theater with an English couple in my room than after that who knows. Isn't life great in the slow lane???????????????

Sending lots of love and light to everyone wish you all could be here.


Lisa............ I plan on being in Ireland will be heading my way up to Donegal. Def. will stop in Sligo for sure. Will let you know when. I'll give you my Irish friends name and e-mail from Dublin who lives in Thailand. He loves company has a big house and is on the beach. Great place good

Bill and Dale............have fun in Cuba I don't like the temps I just read about here it is in the 40's........ cent.

Hey favourite have a safe trip to Atlanta will be thinking of you and yes I am quite dark.......................tooooooooooooooobad ay?

Fr. Marc St. Finbars needs you. Take up golf........................

Dom................Thanks for the nice val. greeting

Marylin................thanks for all the Maine news you have a safe trip down south.

Jim Darby and Russ............ will call from Sydney stay warm.............

Heading for the beach bye bye..................


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