Greetings from Auckland New Zealand
Had to get a cheap flight here as I have to leave Australia every three months even though I have a year visa. I had a good look around Melbourne a nice city. the flight was not bac only 3 1/2 hours. I stayed in the "Bedrock Hotel" only Fred Flinstone was missing. The bed I had was so bad I really felt I was sleeping on stones. Fortunately I got out of there on the first 6 am trip to the City. I had to be leaving as I had not place to stay in Auckland because of the America's cup races going on all the hostels where full. I had book on for a great 2 day trip with the Stray Backpackers to the Bay of Islands. Only 65.00 NZ dollars which makes it about 40 American. I was never there before as New Zealand and I are old friends. It was awsome the people on the trip were as well. We had people all ages and jobs made it most interesting. New Zealand is really the most beautiful place in the world. I get here and don't want to leave. I booked a ride at a advanced horse place the woman and I got on so well I rode all day with her took pictures only you could get from a horses back got a great job offer one I almost can';t refuse but had to put on hold as this will be my next destination New Zealand next year. No sweat I already have the job. The horse I rode was 17 2 hand tall not a push buttoin horse at all gave you a good ride. I was in the mountains racing through brooks it was like I was watching a movie expedially when we got into the meadow on purpose of course and galloped around the dry cows. It was hillarious. The next day was the beach. Two English girls and my self got on the ferry to Russell to go to the beach. Mind you we just tought the beach was near. Wrong it was way over on the other side of the Island. After a 1/2 hour walk enough of that I said to the girls the thumb went out to the next vehicle a ride and all was well. The beach was beautiful. Surronded by the usual New Zealand scenry. The walk back was all down hill not bad got a cheap fish and chip meal for 5 dollars and got back to Auckland last night and a hostel in a room with a girl from Acton Massachusetts. I could not believe it. Only 10 poeple in this dorm nacked onto the bed that was single by the window after the girl left this am beat all the others to it. I leave tomorrow pm for Melbourne than onto Canberra for my next job on a 3000 acre cattle ranch. Only problem with this is now I have to learn to ride in a western saddle UG. Part of Canberra has burned down from the bush fires hopefully all will be well where I am going. The weather my friends so you can think summer again is about 85 with a nice cool breeze. No humid at all and right now going out the door here on the pier and take pictures of all the boats in the race. Lots of Americans and Canadians here. Having a cold one now and think over the evenings activities which will be doing wash back at the hostel. Bye bye