The Many Travels of Mrs Pickles

Look here for tales from the many travels of my friend, Phyllis Bridget Gallagher as she globetrots. I met the dynamic Phyllis on a trip to Ireland in the spring of 2001 and she is still GOING! Bridget, you inspire me to travel more!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

and More Trains

Hello fellow friends, travelers and free spirits

Another train day. I must have an invisible sign I can't see for everyone else that is weird to approach me. I spent most of my day today in training for the suicide lines which I do back home as to their methods used here. I shall be spending another full day learning how they deal with the schools ect. It has been quite a good education and will be sharing it with my fellow people. Tomorrow is another train day traveling to Shewsbury for a local office as well as seeing what ever they have to offer in that vicinity. The days I spent in Cornwall and Devon were amazing. Devon hold the incredible moors that actually "the hounds of the baskervilles" was created upon in the mind of Mr. Doyles Sherlock Holmes. They are exactly what I expected. Creepy, misty the whole works. I plan on going back down there and spending more time there actually a walk I would like to do on the moors. I have another opportunity of going back to Ireland it all depends upon the finances. A ferry ride would be the cheapest from Wales. As to the rest of my trip besides meeting up with great people the countryside is beyond belief. The seaside towns of Cornwall and their well know clotted cream teas I believe put on a few more pounds I don't need at the moment. They are also know for their pasties a pie of sorts filled with fillings of your choice. Being so long in Agriculture going there was up my alley. I'm always interested in sharing farming with any one else of the same. There is just so many places yet to explore always another adventure around the corner. It's nice to see still green grass and flowers so you can judge where I have been so far the winter here is not as bad North America.

Will write again when I get a chance still so many stories to fill in from past experiences like the people in the tubes with all the entertainment they provide while I am figureing out where and what line to take and where to go from there.

Keep the mails on coming.

Wally get my room ready for January will try and call you later on this week

Chris anything on the front line as to what is happening

Everyone else keep on living

Monday, November 22, 2004

What a Trip

I should start by beginning a few weeks back when i was to take a train to Plymouth. Before my friends from London called I had planned to go for the weekend to Plymouth. At the last moment actually the day before I was to leave I received a call from Mitch regarding the weekend visit with her and more friends so naturally my plans were cancelled. Sunday am from mitch's flat the news came on regarding the train wreck killling 7 passangers plus the driver 30 seriously injured and all coaches were derailed. A guy parked his car on the rails waiting for the fast speed train heading for Plymouth to kill him as he wanted to die. Enough of the bad stuff I would of been on that train if not for :Mirtch divirting my plans. As ;you all know I just got off a train going to several places for the last 5 days. The first destination was Torquay a great place but the best bit was while waiting for a change of trains in Exetor I met up with two women both wanted to talk with me and the later one asked my as I got off the train in Torquay would I like lunch with her and her husband. Nice...............I did just that and what a lunch. It also involved into the next day of touring the area.............Nice.................The kindness given to me was overwhelming. Not only where these people the good samaritans but the lady who owns the hostel I was to stay in was kind as well. A great invite from her to be with her and her friends to a nice pub for the first evening I was to stay in Torquay. During the meal one of the friends was talking about her last train ride. Yes it was that one going to Plymouth and she was on it. She helped alot of people out through windows until she came to the last passanger who did not wish to move. She found he could not and never would. Again the train came into mind of how it was me that would of been on it to. I make one feel life is to be lived and lived well as we never do know what's next.....Another train story to follow. I left Torquay had to get 2 changes before I was at the last destination which was Penanzance. What a great place and what a hostel cleaner than a hospital. I met up with a new friend from Australia who was in my dorm we went onto St. Ives, Lands End places I can't pronounce. Last night ended with meeting even more new people at a pub which was where the locals went. It was open mike night and what performances. Most of the people live and work on the sea there. I met up with a great guy who owns a boat which myself and Emily where invited on. A few more of his friends came another party broke out and little sleep and back on another train to come back here to London. this trip was the better of all of them as complete entertainment all the way. Trains here have a table between the seats making 2 sitting forward and 2 sitting backwards. A young couple got on the next stop and sat across from me. After awhile it got to the point if they were needing a room and not a train. Across from all this sat two more cuties. I say cuties as they thought they were the most impressive ones on the train attracting attention from everyone. The dress code for them was fish net stockings skirts that it any shorter I would of thought of being at a strip show. The conversations between these two were quite good even so the couple from me took a break to listen. Someones phone behind me kept on ringing the whole way making it feel like being in a bookie joint. Fastest 5 1/2 hours took place.

The next big adventure is heading to Liverpool next week to see another friends friend. The weekend will be spent with more friends from Bristol which we shall be sharing a late late thanksgiving with them (Steven and me)

I have only seen rain here a few times def. not not not snow but will be heading North so who knows.

Keep on the mails people great hearing from you all. Until the next wild ride over the horizan checking out of this place and find some food to cook for supper.

The happy traveller

Peg 101 meeting with the National office tomorrow and get some more traiining on the schools. Will keep you informed.

Tinkerbell take down notes

Jude I have thought of doing the same thing as you in Ireland only a different job

Mary S. Good news glad things are ok I shall be home for Christmas

Fr. Marc Have no excuse where I am in London Our Lady of Good voyage is next door to where I live while I'm here in London

Amanda sound good to me what ever date in January you choose and yes I shall be bringing a dish and an over night bag.

Roman Calling PolAND tomorrow

John V never mind the excuses just keep on driving that brown truck Mr. Brown

Children Miss you be home soon

Dar by happy anniversary

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Don't know when I'll be on this again as I leave by train for the bottom of the UK about a 6 hour train ride. My cousin shall have peace again a least for 4 days before my return again to his lovely apt. We however had a great time at the theater last night. Was so good after an appointment I had this am needed to get my head together found out how you work these ticket deals on shows where to go ect. Worked like a plan and this afternoon was off again to another exciting thearter and play with (I can never remember their real names) Mrs Bucket in keeping up appearances from the UK. It was as they say here brilliant and she was almost like what she played in the tv series. Leicister square is where they have all the royals and movie stars when they have the premieres. Tonight it was Tom Hanks in his new movie for Christmas. After the play was over I actually got a good spot to watch all of this except it would of been another 2 hour wait andd remembering I saw Tom Hanks in Rome naw didn't need to see him again. They had put fake snow and sprayed around the trees and made a part of the small park look like the express might be coming thru. I opted instead to find more interesting people on the tube again as I needed to get to the paddington station regarding train times for me tomorrow. I find people over here really in love with their mobiles. It seems everywhere I go no matter what everyone is talking to someone else but no one is there to answer them. The railway stations everyone is fixed on looking up at the boards waiting for them to move as to what platform their train they are waiting for is going to be on. Mind you there are over 20 platforms. Just fixed stares. I hate to tell the grandchildren back home that Santa talks funny here and not there. He even looks different. As to coffee I have never been so happy to bring along with me this time a small folgers instant yes instant. Over here machines take over it sounds like trucks are driving thru while they are making it and only one cup at a time. This froffy stuff arrives smells awfull and the taste sends me off in orbit for at least an hour. I must add, if you want milk make sure you ask for a white one. Regular coffee here does not exist. Not even McDonalds. Speaking of which sometimes when away you forget how good greezy things taste I go to more of them away than at home. HOWEVER I would not change any of this for cold and snow. It is great here every day is a new adventure almost being on Mr. Toads wild ride you never know where you'll end up and where. Keep the e-mails coming........

Just waiting for the next sunrise

Mary in Philly........I would never forget you absoutely you must come to Boston I will be back in that vicinity someday again. I shall kiss Ireland however in a few weeks when I go back there. Will call you when I get back.

Tinkerbell........I must write all the details

Peg 101.......had a great meeting today in the head office. Learning so much tomorrow will be the same different location like over 200 miles away. Already getting a collection of things to bring back. Spoke with the head head one today from Surry and will be meeting up with her next week. Taking some classes over here. Exciting and learning so much.

Wally..........One of those bedrooms is mine??????????? January???????????

Mary S. Get me a schedule that sounds fantastic.

Roman............I shall be making the call.

Jimmy give Laura my e-mail address wiould like to hear from her

Carole.........good news let me know how it's going

John V........get those dancing shoes on and make sure no tendon problems in those elbows

Children.........I miss you

Paige...........where are you back home in Canada?

Bill & Dale..........have fun be warm now as when you get back you won't

Jude..........Ireland again next year???????????????????

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

been toooooo busy!!!

Just to let all of you I is nice to receive mail makes me feel like I belong to some countrie which one I don't know yet. My business card just reads for the address THE WORLD and rightly so it is. Have been on the go and I mean on the go. Taking advantage of ramming the street of London with the London walks. I have been on at least 10 of them by now and each one is different. However the Jack the Ripper one so far is the best. Over 200 people showed up at the Tube station in East London to meet up with the guide. What a guide he was learned things not written much about if not any of his activities and the women. Took up some drink in the Ten Bells which was there where a couple of the women also took up the drink. About a 2 1/2 hour tour did it with Steven my cousin last Friday night. We ended up at Dirty Dicks pub after it was over met of course more people and the pub was great. On one of the night pub walks met up with an airline crew from the States out of Chicago. what a time that one was. It happened to be the Sherlock Holmes one ened up at the pub after that went to many more food the works. Have invites to visit the keys in florida where a few of them live. Have done some train travel seeing I have a brit rail pass so decided to get my ticket for the end of november in Birmingham for the big goings on 60 year d-day things. ~From there traveling over to Scotland than onto Ireland. Last weekend went to Salisbury ended up in another funny pub quite by accident but so hungry this time stayed and ate anyway. Steven was with me so had to show him the sea in Brighton on Sunday. The train had to go around another way took over two hours getting there but alot of interesting people on the train make it worthwhile. ~Going tomorrow for a meeting of the Samaritans in London hopefully will be taking some training while over here have many invites down the Southeast so taking the over night train on Thurs night for Penanze. Looking forward to all of this. Look out Peg 101 for my clips of things you all will be most interested in. Tonight going to the thearter as an invite to see One flew over the co co s nest or what ever it is. Had to go to the charity shop this afternoon to get a flash coat to wear as somehow I don't think my thing tonight and tomorrow at cental londons Samaritans my jacket stating on the back snow plow crew would look to great. 2pound and I look good this one might just be a keeper.

All of you enjoy your snow and for my canadian relies and friends enjoy the snow at least it'
not that cold here.

Keeping on trucking and to you all keep on the writing..........

Off now for the trip into London with my new flash coat


John you should look into a job not so boring at Aquaa Time..............ready to party on the 16th?

Peg 101 will send you all a private e-mail of whats going on here lots to tell you and thinking about what you said earlier about...........

Katie keep me informed of all you are doing and the friends details most in teresting

renate are you back in Germany now are you going to be in Ireland anytime soon?

my family I miss you

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

On the Road Again - 2

Hello everyone, I feel like from a different planet today. The ususal stuff going on. Weekend was great went to the Rugby game, club, pubs after and more pubs and a club. Stayed with friends in London had a great time as usual. Friday night was great as well. My cousin and myself started our own pub crawl around his area. Found a crowded and loud one so of course went on in. AFter things thined out found another one. This one however seemed a little different. After ordering our drinks at the bar and sat at a table I noticed I was the only female in the place. Looking at the pink yes pink chandller hanging from the ceiling it all came together. We were in a gay pub. Oh well a pub is a pub and this one was no different. Monday night decided to go to Blockbusters to rent some movies. A few blocks from Stevens flat a crowd and police everywhere with people coming out of limo's the works. It was for Live Aid which will be relived here on Saturday. Ran back got my camera as my man Brian May from Queen was about to come back out. I couldn't believe not only did I get pictures of him actually stood next to him talked and he even spoke to me. Being a Queen fan forever this made it for me. Tonight I and Steven are going to the Royal premiere in Leicester Square with everyone from the movie Bridget Jones and what ever royal is going to as well. Already scoped out the square before leaving for the train I'm taking this am for Birmingham to get tickets for the huge tattoo commemorating the 60th anniversary of d-day. Every bagpipe and drum core plus a massed chorus is going to be there. Three hours it will be. This is the end of November now have to find a hostel to stay at for that weekend.

Yesterday sat next to the bad breath guy on the train to Gloucester. It took 1 1/2 hours to get there. Thought I would die before getting there. When a seat became available had to move. Gloucester was brilliant however. A huge Cathedral with lots to see inside and out including the place where beautrice Potter made her story about the little taylor.

More people I met and more places to go. Ireland is next just getting prices now on cheap fares on Ryan Air. Running out of money and this place is crowded.

Living on the edge as usual............


Friday, November 05, 2004

On the Road Again

Hello fellow travellers and wish to be's

Back in England again. Well for a short time. Just got an invite from some friends over here to go with them to South Africa depends on how many air miles. Doing the London thing only on alot of walks. A group thing where you almost don't walk you run. Have as usual had some amazing experiences. Westminster was closed the last time I was here in London so made a trip to really see it this time inside. After stayed on for the evening song with the choir and organ. Powerful stuff. The organ made things almost move. The coffin of Diana came into mind as I sat there last night as the position I was in was almost the place where she was last in the Abbey. Staring motionless statues abounded while the choir gave off sounds echoing throughout. No one moved during this except for the usual church kneelings ect. I left feeling weightless. To think I shall be here during the Christmas caroles season.

As to the walks for 4 pounds you go on walks with guides that make things come alive. I have already done 3 of them. they average 2 to 3 miles taking in about 2 hours. Most of the guides are or have been on the stage so the drama is real. sometimes too real. A pub crawl after the Abbey last night was great. It just finished off the day nicely. I'm learning the underground (tube) which can be confusing at times. At the moment I'm staying in Kenningston with my cousin who has been transfered over here till January. Makes it nice to have a base to come and go from including a kitchen and of all things a washer and dryer. Very good for a backpacker I don't have to wear my outer clothes as long as possible.

The weekend is already a full dance card. Have heard from friends going to a Rugy game tomorrow in Wales celebrating Guy Fawkes night this evening with the same group and Sunday will def. have to recoup. Steven my cousin is looking forward to meeting my friends he'll never be the same after this trust me.

Heading now for Kenningston Palace and than another walk this afternoon along the Thames River. Will be in Belgium and Holland in about another week to visit more friends and see this part of the world I haven't yet.

A werido just sat next to me in this internet cafe so gotta go. Till the next time live the life and enjoy every moment...........

Your free spirited friend

Amanda have you sent off my e-mail address yet to Roman for address in Poland?